Monday, 11 November 2019

How To Get Started In The ECommerce World

There is no doubt that eCommerce is quickly becoming one of the most lucrative and popular forms of business in the last few years. There are several reasons for this - one reason is because the internet is becoming more and more accessible to pretty much everybody. I mean, basically everyone you know has some sort of access to a phone or computer. Even homeless people have phones! Isn’t that crazy? Well, public libraries have free access to computers as well as the internet, so it all kind of makes sense when you think about it. One thing is for sure; pretty much anybody can get onto the internet which means that there are a lot more people buying things online. I definitely do my fair share of ordering things online. One thing that I noticed about myself when it comes to ordering online is that I will spend a lot more money to order products if I do not have to pay for shipping and if the buying process or experience is seamless and easy. The less work I have to do to actually complete the purchase, the more likely I am going to be to spend money. I feel like this mentality is something that has been coming up in the last couple decades or so with the rising popularity of buying things online. ECommerce stores like Amazon (who is the top dog in this business) make it as easy as possible, and they have the revenue to show for it.

Another thing that has made eCommerce so successful in the last few years is the effects of COVID19. Since most people were locked in their homes for an extended period of time, it is true that there was a lot more shopping being done online than pretty much ever before. Some people preferred to order things online before the pandemic started, but since there were so many stores closed to actual in-store shopping, the online world became so much more popular and profitable. I can guarantee you that a lot of eCommerce stores became wildly successful over the course of a few months during 2020, since there was so much more organic website traffic and people browsing different websites online. I can back this up with my own personal experience as well, since I actually spent a lot of time online shopping and ordering products online as well over the course of the summer of 2020.

Another thing that has made eCommerce so popular in recent years is how easy it has become for companies to ship their products. I can imagine that the successes of the internet's popularity would not be possible without the added success of how companies are able to ship products all over the country and all over the world. Various shipping supplies like poly bags and corrugated boxes make it super easy and affordable for companies to be able to ship whatever kind of products they want. However, it is true that some of these shipping supplies are not good for the environment, especially plastic materials like poly bags and other similar items.

Basically, the reason I am writing this article is because I am super interested in the eCommerce industry and starting my own business, since I want to make a lot of money selling random products online. 


How To Get Started In The ECommerce World

There is no doubt that eCommerce is quickly becoming one of the most lucrative and popular forms of business in the last few years. There ar...